As a practitioner of shamanic healing, I may provide you with the following kinds of spiritually-based services of core shamanism:
The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner
Cave and Cosmos by Michael Harner
Soul Retrieval by Sandra Ingerman
Shamanism by Mircea Eliade
Plant Spirit Medicine by Eliot Cowan
Claudia Mar Ruiz, Shamanic Practitioner
Welcome to my practice!
Nature of my practice. As a practitioner of shamanic healing and/or divination. I am not a licensed physician, and my services are not medical treatments, nor are shamanic healing services licensed by the state. The idea behind shamanic healing is that it “is universally characterized by an intentional change in consciousness to engage in purposeful two-way interaction with spirits, moving from this reality to another. Shamans work within a holistic framework. They address the spiritual side of illness in a complementary relationship with the non-spiritual treatment of illness and injury.” Michael Harner, 2013.
You will receive this document to be signed before you come for an appointment. I will keep the original in my records for at least three years.
*No one is turned away because of a lack of money
This is a very informational piece of Richard Unger's book (I bolded the text):
Hand analysis is the modern form of the ancient art of palmistry. Whereas palmistry is defined as foretelling the future from the lines of your palm, hand analysis seeks to further self- understanding through an examination of the entirety of your hands.
Because each pair of hands are a self portrait drawn from deep within, to have your hands read is to lift the veil, to stare deep into the truth mirror, to stand revealed before your very eyes. A hand reading shows you who you are today and who you can be.
Your hand analyst will examine the overall shape of your palm and fingers to determine your basic temperament, your thumb to see you how you "get things under your thumb," and the twelve zones of the fingers to see personality strengths and weaknesses. The lines in your palm will be examined to determine your basic wiring: the type of emotional system you have, what kind of computer you possess, which nervous system type you are, etc. Talents and hidden motivations will be revealed.
Both hand shape and lines change over time, but there is a part of your hands unaltered from five months prior to birth: your fingerprints. Like an acorn containing within it a picture of the oak tree it may become someday, your fingerprints reveal your Life Purpose.
By comparing the original imprint revealed in your fingerprints with the dynamic map of your personality and character shown in the lines and hand topography,a hand reading gives perspective to your current circumstances in relation to the big picture of your life story."
Richard Unger, International Institute of Hand Analysis
If you can afford my prices and fees, please do so, as that supports my ability to live in the Bay Area and serve to those that need my services.
If you absolutely can’t afford my fees please contact me, and we will work together to make it happen somehow (exchange, etc.).
A 24 hour cancellation notice by text or phone is required if you are unable to keep the appointment. Since I am small business owner and have a private practice in a very unique-privileged location if I do not receive 24 hour notice you will be expected to pay 100% of the cost for the missed appointment.
Please understand that when you forget, cancel, or change your appointment without giving enough notice, I won’t have the opportunity to fill that appointment time, and other clients miss the opportunity to receive my services.
It is mutually understood that if a cancellation is due to circumstances beyond any of my control, I will reschedule your existing appointment and not charges will apply.
Please notify me with at least 24 hours notice if you are currently feeling sick, or have been sick within the past 7 days (ie. Flu, cold etc.).